This is bubbleranks where you can learn many new things. You can learn school stuff and non-school stuff! I hope you can learn new information from my website! :) .
This website can help with tests and maybe just for learing new stuff.
Learing is not fun,but its fun when you learn it in a intersting and fun way!
In this website you can learn...
Our first topic will be about... what happens if you don't drink enough water?
Our next question is... How do blankets keep us warm?
How do blankets and jackets keep us warm? We don't charge our clothes and blankets. The real answer is that they don't warm us up. We warm ourselves up. How you ask? Well I'm going to give you the answer right now. Our body is about 96~98 degrees F. Thats really hot. So why do we need blankets is we are already super hot inside? Well even though we are still very hot we still get cold. What the blankets do is that our bodies kind of give out heat. So the blankets cover your body and reflect the heat you are giving out. Then YOUR heat comes BACK to YOU, and thats how blankets keep us warm. It's also the same thing with clother and jackets.
In this paragraph I will be talking about the brain. Some things that the brain controls is heart beat, vlood pressure, breathing, sleep regulation,hunger, and thrist. There are two major parts of the brain. The Crerebrum and Cerebellum. The Cerebrum is the largest and most complex part of the brain. It is made of 2 hemispheres and 4 main lobes. Each hemisphere contols the oppisite part of the body. For example the left hemisphere of the brain will control the right side of the body. There is also something in your brain called the medulla oblongata. It contols automatic activites, as in heart beat and breathing. There are four lobes in your Cerebrum. The four lobes are the Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, and Temporal lobe. The Frontal lobe controls critical thinking, decision making, and contolling impuses. The Frontal lobe fully develops when you are 25 years old. The Parital lobe processes most sensory information, and enviormental awareness. The Occipital lobe controls prosses visual information. Last but not least the Temoral lobe. The temporal lobe prosses auditory information. There is more information thats in more complicated information. This is the more simpler and easiar to understand info. Hopefully you learned something new! :)